Global leaders in IP and invention will gather next month in Switzerland at the 3rd Data-Driven Invention Forum, hosted by Iprova. The event will provide a platform for the discussion, demonstration and discovery of how data and algorithms can augment human creativity to transform the way in which inventions are produced. 

Iprova’s pioneering Data-Driven Invention approach — a core focus of the event — minimises the serendipity inherent in traditional invention and increases the speed, efficiency and diversity of standard development efforts. At this unique event, attendees will discover the benefits of using machine-learning and natural language processing techniques in the invention process.

Morges on the shore of Lake Geneva

The conference will be held in Morges on the shore of Lake Geneva, and will bring together thought leaders from the fields of invention, machine learning and Intellectual Property.

Senior representatives from many of the world`s leading technology companies will join Iprova`s experts to discuss the latest advances in our approach.  They will also hear how Iprova has created inventions which today are referenced by all 10 of the world’s largest tech companies.

Speakers, who will discuss the current state-of-play and future possibilities for data-driven invention, include Bill Fischer (Professor of Innovation, IMD), Martin Jaggi (Professor of Machine Learning, EPFL) and Sir Hossein Yassaie (technology pioneer and investor). They will be joined by OpenAI’s Christine Payne, the developer of MuseNet, a deep neural network that can generate 4-minute musical compositions with 10 different instruments, and can combine styles from country to Mozart to the Beatles.

The intellectual and creative activity will not be limited to the stage, as the delegates take part in the ‘Invention Journey’. In these interactive sessions, attendees will be invited to create their own inventions, gaining first-hand experience of applying Iprova’s technology.

As forward-thinking organisations seek new ways to create the products and services of the future, Iprova will demonstrate at this forum how continues to lead the way in data-driven invention which is helping to define the products and services of tomorrow.